CCCs (Code Compliance Certificates): If You Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
- November 10, 2022

It goes without saying that no one wants to encounter delays and budget blow outs during a project. Even worse is not being able to obtain CCC sign off when your project finance settlement is depending on it.
At Farsight we frequently see projects in trouble with their Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) due to a simple lack of planning.
Obtaining a CCC doesn’t have to be a stressful process. Put simply, it is gathering evidence that the completed building work meets the approved building consent. Too often though, we find consent holders are unaware of the requirements and conditions of their building consent. Most important is the planning and strategy required to deliver on consent critical requirements to ensure a successful project outcome.
Difficulties with obtaining CCC’s are not always entirely in the hands of the consent holders. Despite their obligations to provide clear guidance, BCAs have been known to be ambiguous when defining the conditions of a CCC. Or worse, CCC conditions can suffer ‘interpretation creep’ forcing additions to requirements without proper communication until it is too late.
To address, Farsight recommend
– Early engagement to confirm BCA and project team expectation for CCC critical sign off.
– Project planning to capture/confirm critical ongoing CCC information during the construction.
– CCC stakeholder engagement and confirmation well in advance of critical project completion dates.
In short, expert management of the planning for CCCs creates significant savings in time, money, and hassle.
So, contact Farsight early in your project to avoid any unwanted surprises with your CCC!
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