Building Consent Applications – Common Issues
- March 6, 2023

When it comes to assessing building consent applications, we often waste a lot of time figuring out the basics. Before a compliance assessment is even considered, hours can be spent determining the scope of work and sorting through documents.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Our time is much better spent assisting applicants with compliance matters.
So here are a few quick tips to make the process faster and clearer for everyone.
– Make sure you only provide relevant documentation.
Excessive files slow the processor down. For example, subfloor plans shouldn’t be provided if they aren’t applicable to the consent.
– Name your files in a logical manner.
Keep file names short and accurate so that anyone can know what a file contains before opening it – for example “Structural Plans” and/or “Structural Plans – Foundation” is enough information.
– When it comes to Manufacturer’s Manuals, only supply the pages which are relevant to the consent.
– Check that your documentation is coordinated between everyone involved in the project.
This is possibly the most important, as unnecessary queries can be raised when plans don’t match. For example, the Architect, Structural Engineer, and Fire Engineer all need up to date, accurate, and coordinated plans.
Any questions? Contact Farsight today to help you!
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